April Showers (2009 film)

April Showers is a 2009 American independent drama film written and directed by Andrew Robinson. It is based on the Columbine High School shootings of which Robinson is a survivor. The film was shot at Plattsmouth High School in Plattsmouth, Nebraska in May 2008.

That morning, before the massacre begins, a student named Jason is being bullied and is struggling to pick up his books, but then Sean helps him. Sean reminds Jason that school is almost over and that he shouldnt let the bullying get to him. The two then go into their school, Jefferson High School both are seniors there. It is a Monday, and Sean, his best friend Nick, and a few other students, are working on the school play. Sean learns that his friend Ben Harris, who works the lights, is absent, so Jason substitutes for him.Later, during a lunch period, Sean talks to his math teacher, Martin Blackwell, about the crush he has on his friend, April Lauren. Mr. Blackwell tells him to let her know how he feels about her. Suddenly, the fire alarm rings, and everyone assumes that it is a senior prank. However as they leave, they hear low rumbling. Mr. Blackwell and Sean then see a group of students, running for their lives and screaming. Three gunshots are heard, and everyone immediately realizes that someone is shooting a gun inside the school. Mr. Blackwell takes a group of students back into his classroom to hide, while Sean and Nick decide to flee for their lives, taking a panicked girl named Samantha Sam with them. ........

Source: Wikipedia